This e-learning platform is developed in a frame of Erasmus+ Project DIGITAL EDUCATION IN VETERINARY STUDIES - DEVet. The main aim of the e-learning platform is to improve digital readiness in the teaching process in response to COVID-19 pandemics and beyond. All digital teaching material within this e-learning platform is produced by teachers (experts in different fields of veterinary medicine) of three DEVet project partner institutions - University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; University of Zagreb, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine; and The Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The creators of this e-learning platform bear in mind that veterinary profession at the EU level is legally listed among the regulated professions (EU directive 2005/36/EC, article 38, amended in the Directive 2013/55/EU), but also at the national level according to the appropriate legal acts in Serbia, Croatia and Northern Macedonia. Thus, produced materials within this e-learning platform comply with the standards of veterinary education revolving around the list of so-called „Day–one Competences“, representing the body of knowledge and skills that the veterinary school must provide.
Register of results on the DEVet project
DEVet_Register-IO_En.pdfA quick review of the e-Platform structure and access instructions
e-Platform_DEVet_Instructions_En.pdfBrochure on the savety in teaching
Brosura_BezbednostNastava_Sr.pdfArticle from the seminar on quality system, Kopaonik, May, 18-20th, 2022
Rad_Ucenje na daljinu_Sr_En-abstr.pdfWorkshop on the structure and use of the DEVet e-Platform (students)
2022-05-18_DeVet_Dissemination_report_Belgrade_En.pdfResults of the students' survay on the functionality of the DEVet e-platform
DEVet_ANKETA_Survey.pdfPresentation of the DEVet Project on N. Macedonian State TV, March 7th, 2022
2022-03-07_DeVet_Dissemination_report_Skoplje_En.pdf presentation of specific DEVet project results on YouTUBE Graphical Studio
CircularMail_Digitalni grafički studio FVM.pdf
DEVet_studio_En.pdfGratitude to all who helped the DEVet Project
Erasmus+ Project Reference:
„The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.“